DomasArt Film Productions is committed to creating stories by addressing relevant social issues, with the aim of bringing awareness and sensibility to human issues and events. Consequently screenplays of future films, short films and documentaries are built on the basis of these important stories, trying to confer and express these projects in an original and artistic way. In each project, always keeping the story and its human and social contents as a priority, we then try to create a particular directing plan of the film that creates the conditions for that story and that script to manifest and express itself at its best.
The same procedure is followed in the post-production, in particular for the editing, where the film begins to come to life, piece by piece, with the timing and rhythms dictated by the project itself.
And so the images begin to compose themselves and the magic of the film is born.
Raman Turhan
The sense and philosophy of writing, screenwriting, directing and acting by DomasArt Film Production and Raman Turhan: